Following is an easy-to-read chart on keyboard controls for the PC.
It's not necessary to follow recommended settings as everyone has their
own preference.
| | | | |
| | Primary | Secondary | Recommended |
| | | | |
| Steering (left) | Left | Num 4 | Left |
| Steering (right) | Right | Num 6 | Right |
| Throttle | Up | Num 8 | Up |
| Brake/Reverse | Down | Num 5 | Space |
| E-brake * | Right Shift | Shift | Shift |
| Nitrous Boost | Space | N | X |
| Shift Up | Ins | A | A |
| Shift Down | Del | Z | Z |
| Look back | B | Right Ctrl | B |
| Camera Change | C | Enter | C |
| Reset car | R | Home | R |
| Pause Game | Esc | P | Esc |
* E-brake: Emergency brake. The longer this key is held the more pressure
is used for emergency brake hold. To drift you only need to tap this key
and hold the left/right button when you're on a good speed. Also known
as hand brake.
(PS2) Controls
Directional Buttons/Left Analog - Steering Left/Right
Right Analog - Throttle/Brake/Reverse
X - Throttle
Square - Brake/Reverse
Circle - Look Back
Triangle - Change Camera View (Bumper, Far, Near)
R1 - E-Brake
R2 - Shift Up (Manual Transmission only)
L1 - Nitrous Boost
L2 - Shift Down (Manual Transmission only)
[Select] - Reset Car
[Start] - Pause/Menu
(PS2) Menu Controls
Directional Buttons (Up/Down) - Highlight Menu Items
Directional Buttons (Left/Right) - Cycle Choices/Move Sliders
X Button - Select/Go to Next Screen
Triangle Button - Return to Previous Screen
Circle Button - Help
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